
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Driving Traffic To Websites Using Google Alerts

Writing content is easy but bringing traffic is the tough task. It is must that your website must have traffic otherwise it has no need. 

There are many ways to bring traffic using social networks, SEO and many others. Today I want to introduce you with this new method of bringing traffic.


What Is Google Alerts? 

Google has many and many services that helps all websites owners to bring traffic to their website. Yet it is another one which is a notification alert service from the mastermind of internet Google.

This service finds and sends greate articles, websites and relevent high merit updates to users according to their search term.

Using Google Alerts System For Bringing Traffic


You may have not used it before but it is also a huge way of bringing traffic to your website. It is somewhat similar to guest posting but in a different way.

It is like brick in building traffic for your website. Its use can give you much of traffic.


How To Use Google Alerts


It is simple as you login to facebook and view the alerts of your liked pages. Similary in Google Alerts you have to sign in and select your required topics.

Now What To Do After Subscibing To Google Alerts


After your subscription to Google Alerts you will recieve emails about your slected topics i.e. Technology, Android, etc. These emails will contain links to relevent posts/articles.

Read that topic to know what it is. And then go for your main job.

You main job is commenting on those posts and adding the links of your website's relevent posts.

Don't do just simple commenting like just giving your link and writing also read or thank you etc. Try to use your experience and post a beautiful comment that describes something about that post.




In above post we have discussed about how to bring traffic using google alerts. Google Alerts is an notification system which makes you updated from posts which are posted in highly popular sites.


Also Read:

Traffic Automatically Increases With Unique Content

Thank You
Noor Ullah

Content Always Brings Traffic To Your Website

I was looking at my blog stats where I found that most of traffic comes from search engines and not from social networks. It is true that social networks can increase your traffic but not too much.


How Your Blog Gets More Traffic


If I share my own experience then I would say that most of the traffic comes from search engines and I think it would be the statement of other bloggers too.

If you have a lot of hot topics on your website and they are all optimized. Then it is sure that you get much traffic.


Why to write Unique Content?


Writing content that is unique takes time. Why it takes time? It takes time because you have to find good and interesting topics for your content.

If you want to increase you blog visitors then it is must to write unique content. Content that is written in easy to read and understand way makes your visitors to take interest in your blog.


Write Articles As Much As You Can


To increase visitors so you must have to write as much as you can write. I mean if your website have a greater number of articles and tutorials etc then people can find it on search engines.

For example eHow.com is one of the worlds No.1 blog which was started in 1999 is now having about Hundred Thousand articles. It is having about 5 Millions visitors daily which is amazing isn't it?

Having quality content but in huge amount gets you more and more traffic so more and more revenue your website makes.

Guest Posting Is Also A Key To Traffic

How to guest post is not the question, why to guest post is the main question? To let people know your skills and let them take interest in your work is a worthy way of getting unique traffic. For this you have to do guest posting in popular blogs and websites.


Social Networks Also Do Much But


You can also increase your traffic by bringing visitors from social networking sites. But that will not work fully until you have a huge amount of audience in your social networking sites.



Blogging is one of the best carrier for future which can make you Millionair. But traffic is the main key which can do all for you.

Traffic usually and mostly comes from Search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc. Therefore writing content in frequent way and having greater number of articles on your blog or website will get more and more visitors.


You May Also Like:

How To Increase Traffic Using Google Alerts


Traffic that makes you hit and popular also makes you rich. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you like to subscibe to our blog by social media or Feed Burner please subscribe us.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

How To Boost Visitors To Your Website Using Facebook Pages

You may have seen many facebook pages having thousands of likes. Some of them took time to increase likes and some of them itself got popularity in less time.


The facebook pages community is a great way of increasing your website visitors. As you know facebook is the topper of social networking sites and billions of people visit it daily.


Pages That Gets More Likes


Ask yourself which kind of community you like the most. I myself likes informative pages on facebook. However most people likes Entertainment Pages like movies, actors etc.


On the second number comes Political and News pages but they are specific to a region.


After this comes the technological pages i.e. Informative Pages. Which liked by many people who love to know the world.


The Trick To Make Your Website Hit


If you are having a entertainment website then it is more easy for your to get your website ranked more. As I said above the most liked Pages are Movies, entertainment and celebrities.


However if your website is a technlogical blog or of other niche website, then you must do something different to get more visitors to your site.


Go after the popularity not after the sites niche. So whatever your website is don't think that. But it is best and must to make an official page of your website on facebook.



To make your website visitors increased you have to do some following tactics;


1. Make A Movie Or Celebrity Page On Facebook


As these are the most popular and hit pages and gets easily more likes than you think. So you have to make it and remember it will not depend initially on your website, I mean it will not initially do any activity related to your website niche.


2. Which Movie Or Celerity Page To Make


To get more likes you have to make a page of future movie or hit celebrity.


3. Try To Share It In Related Groups And Other Hit Pages


This is the tactic to boost your page likes with an initial run. Don't try to advertise it because it is not an official page and you know that.

4. Post Regularly

Post regularly about your page type e.g. if you are having a movie page try to post related content on daily basis. Try to find hit topics or posts on other pages which are getting more likes and comments.


5. Your Page Will Become Viral In Some Time


Your page will automatically become viral and will get more likes than you think because it will automatically reach many people daily.


6. What To Do When You Get About 10000 Likes


 Your page will take about 3-4 months to reach 10000 likes. So when you have reached the milestone then start advertising your own official facebook page of your website after each 6th or 7th post on that page.

Try to do this in day time because in day time every one uses facebook.

Also try to post links of your website posts with that.


7. This is the easiest tactic 
I am using it and this is the easiest tactic to increase my facebook page likes with greate ease and free of cost.


This Article Will Help You In


1. Increasing Facebook Page Likes

2. Increasing Website Visitors

3. Inceasing Website Subscribers

4. Increasing Your Website Revenue



Don't make an official website of a movie it will work but you will not get anything in future. Another don't try to make official page of an actor as he is already having that.

Make your pages with a difference like moviename lovers etc. Use the name of the movie instead of the moviename.



This article is for educational and informational purpose only. We don't want to violate any rules and privacy. Thank You

Saturday 3 January 2015

How To Convert Your Laptop To A Wifi Hotspot

Sometimes it is very embarrasing when your phone internet stop working. GPRS, EDGE and 2G networks are very slow internet connections that are almost of no use.


Todays smartphones requires a high speed internet connection like 3G and 4G but unfotunately these networks are not available everywhere, especially in underdeveloped countries like Pakistan etc.

Why You Require High Speed Internet On Your Phone?

3G networks are available in almost every country today but they are not provided to every city and region, which is a very great problem but not so much if you are having internet available on your PC.

It would be better if you have a good internet speed on your phone. This would make it easy to run and update your phone and its apps etc.

What is required to make your PC/Laptop a Wifi Hotspot?

The requirement is just a PC/Laptop and a DSL or USB Dongle like PTCL EVO and Nitro. The main requirement is the availability of Wifi in your PC/Laptop.

How Much Speed You Must Have To Do This?

In my case I am doing it on a very low speed and having 3G like experience on my phone. The internet device I am using is PTCL Evo 3.1Mbps but it is giving me only 250kbps speed.

Smartphones if compared to PC/Laptops require a very low internet speed. However if you want to make your PC/Laptop a wifi hotspot you must require atleast 200 kbps downlink speed from your internet provider.

Lets do this as below:

1. Downloading Connectify

Connectify is a software which makes your computers wifi a hotspot. To Download Connectify Along With Its Crack:

Download Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5

2. Installation Procedure

The installation procedure is a two step process which is given below:

1. Install Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5

2. Install Connectify

3. Running Connectify And Turning On Hotspot

After successful installation run connectify. Make sure that your wifi is turned on. Then click on Internet To Share and select wifi. After this click start hotspot.

Your wifi hotspot is now turned on and you can run share your internet to your phone.

To connect your phone turn your phone wifi on and search for wifi connections available. Then select connectify-me. Your phone will require a password which is given in connectify just below the internet to share.

3. Enjoy Your Internet On Your Phone

Enjoy a high speed internet experience on your smartphone or other wifi enabled device.

If you are having problem in downloading or connecting please mention in comments below.


Share this with your friends on your social network. . . Thank You 

Friday 2 January 2015

Writing Article Like The Professionals Write

Blogging is an interesting field in which the blogger learns and shares his learnings with his blog visitors in his new and stylish way. However it needs some skills to share the things learned in a stylish and interesting way. We can simply call it writing articles for your blog in a professional way or how to write which will look professional? Lets See.

Why to write Professional?

Its very important to write articles for your blog in interesting and fascinating way. The reason is that it will let your visiters engaged in your article and they will not get bored. It is the main fascinating factor of your blog which will let your blog visitors hang to your site so they will definitely want to read your next article of their choice. Moreover they will start visiting regularly.

What Is The Basic Need?

Writing is far difficult from reading it needs practice. Before practice it needs your Language Skills. If you have better english skills then its not too much difficult for you to write. Otherwise you have to learn to improve your grammer skills and also to practice reading articles at least one month regularly. The improvement is must for Compostion and Essay Writing (Article Writing).

The Nuts And Bolts Of Writing Articles

Writing articles to attract visitors to your websites/blogs is actually not a quick learn and write process it needs practice. So don't disappoint of your writing skills if they are not too good. As said by someone Time Heals All Wounds, Similarly you will learn all aspects of writing with time.

Following Steps will help you;

1. Head-Start

Start is like the cover of a book it should be written with care. When you start writing your article about something try to write about 6-7 lines as an introduction for your topic.

For Example: See the first paragraph of this article in which I tried to introduce you to my article.


2. The Mid-Gut

Here I mean from Mid-Gut the body of the article. This part is your main part where you will try to explain in details your topic. See the following points to understand it.

1. Use Headings For Your Pragraphs if needed.

2. Try to explain you topic in step by step process if it is a tutorial or 
 something like that.

3. Try to use small paragraphs not more than 4 to 6 lines.

4. Try to connect each Paragraph in a stylish way.

5. Try to write in bullet points. This will help readers read it with interest.

6. You can also use proverbs if you know related to your topic or phrase. It will give the article a new look.

7. Use headings if you want to explain in a full detail. Headings are very good because they will let the reader navigate through the article easily.

8. Write your article between 200 to 500 words. If you use to write it longer then it may feel the reader bored.

9. Try to ask questions and then answer them in a short detailed line/paragraph.

10. Use correct grammer and spellings.

11. Make your headings spaced at least two lines from paragraphs above and below.

The Closing Point Of Your Article

This is the point where you can prove yourself which means to write a summary for the article you written. The summary gives a professional touch to article because when reader reads the last paragraph he/she feels that the writer is having a valuable knowledge to share.

End Word

Article writing is skill which is must for bloggers especially if someone want to earn money from blogging. You can see all the websites which are at the top shares unique and quality articles. Practice is will get you success.

Quaid-e-Azam (The Founder Of Pakistan) Said: Work, Work and Work, You will succeed.


Thursday 1 January 2015

Generating Privacy Policy And Its Importance

What is Privacy Policy?


You may have seen that most of the websites have a separate page named as Privacy or Privacy Policy. No one visits that page usually but that is an important factor for a website.


It is basically a document in websites in the form of a separate page which describes and protects your website as a legal factor. Anyway a brief definition is given below.


Defining Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy is a document on websites which discloses that some or all of the ways to your website vistors about what you will do with information gathered from them, how you are gathering that information and how the information will be stored and managed.


Importance Of Privacy Policy


It is must to have a Privacy Policy in your website to prevent exposing your business or organization to liablity in a number of different ways.


It has many advantages such as a website having privacy policy gets easily approved by google adsense if other parameters are according to their rules.


Create Privacy Policy For Your Website

It is not too difficult like getting liscense etc and getting approval from different departments. It is just go sign up and have your privacy policy ready for your website to be uploaded.


Note: Every Website Have A Unique Privacy Policy.

Procedure To Create Privacy Policy For Your Website

1. Visit Generateprivacypolicy.com

2. Click on Sign Up

3. By Following The Instructions Give Your Website Details

4. After Signing Up you will see your Document ready    

     You Can Anytime Generate New

5. Make a page in your website and name it Privacy or Privacy Policy

6. Now go to privacy policy website and copy your data from there

7. Paste it in the page you created in your website

8. Publish that page and Set it to be viewed either at the bottom or at the top.


Thats it....You Have Done. . .


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